The area now known as Sault Ste. Marie has been inhabited for thousands of years due to its strategic location on the St. Mary’s River, linking the two Great Lakes, Superior and Huron. It became a meeting place, a place for fishing, a place for discussion and governance. It’s rich heritage includes First Nations, European settlers, industry, and trade. Therefore, the reason for all this, the river, deserves to have its story told.
Therefore the concept is to have the actual building disappear behind the form of an undulating hill, with the actual river as its backdrop. In front we envision ghost ships representing many generations of time. In the foreground a canoe, behind that a sailing ship and farther back a great lakes freighter, imagined in reflective mirror glass. This gives the illusion of ghost ships and as one passes the building, depending upon the direction you look , one perceives different images as it is a dynamic view, constantly changing with orientation, light and imagery, even one’s own image may be seen as you pass by.