We designed this 83 unit building for the Ontario Finnish Resthome Association, as senior themed apartments.
As the building is on a beautifully wooded site, all the common areas are located to afford views overlooking a heavily treed ravine. All the apartments are assembled as a block together, to bring efficiency of construction, yet still afford views to the forested areas on each side.
The ground floor contains the entrance and larger assembly areas and provides a base for the apartments above. A matching gazebo will be built close to the building for the enjoyment of residents outdoors. Materials will be to reflect nature, and designed in homage to the great Finnish architect, Alvar Aalto, with wood slat finishes on the exterior of the building and undulating wood slat walls, perimeter fencing and common room ceilings, with clad columns, reminiscent of his 1930’s work.
Winner of the ICF Award for Best Multi-Family Project in North America.